Training Videos

 Mark book training intro  Mark book training 1  Mark book training 2  Mark book training 3  Video of all features of award site
Getting started with the Markbook site Entering marks into the on-line Mark Book Pscales recording Printing and authenticating certificates An overview of the Markbook site
 Learning site intro  Submitting evidence  Receiving assessed work  Receiving feedback  reports generation
Creating pages and managing evidence How to create an account Progress reports    

These videos are intended to be used in conjunction with assessor training. They can help short-cut the training process and act as an aide-memoire afterwards. They are not intended to be used by themselves as a substitute for all aspects of the training. 

The first row of videos deals with managing learners, their grades and certification using the Markbook (Awards) site. The  site is only available to assessors and moderators.

The second row covers the main features of the community learning site and the way that it can support learners in self and peer assessment and providing evidence of their work to their assessor. There is a dynamic link between the sites so that evidence that is approved by assessors will result in automatic updating of the mark book in the Awards site. The sites can be used together or independently.